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Jacobsen Yakima IPA 0,33 L

US $5.04 US $4.03

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Description: The brewery's take on a west coast IPA with a solid "hop forward" hops profile that both stimulates nose and taste sensation.
The hops are at the forefront of the taste "Hop forward" means that the balance between the sweetness of the malt and the bitter from the hops is pushed in favour of a solid shot of hops that trickers the senses in the mouth and nose.

Jacobsen Yakima IPA is brewed with four different types of hops, which provide a good, sharp bite of hops with a good long aftertaste - while exotic, fresh and slightly acidic fragrance of tropical fruits.

The taste is fresh and rounded, with a good, sharp bite of hops with a good long aftertaste.

The aroma is fresh, lightly sour and exotic like tropical fruits with easily recognisable notes of sweet melons, grapefruit and papaya on a solid bottom of the maltaroma.


Note that there may be restrictions for certain countries that make it impossible to introduce alcohol. We refer to the customer's own responsibility to investigate whether it can be imported before ordering. Ordering any kind of alcohol is for the customers own risk.

Brand: Jacobsen
Type: Beer, IPA
Info: 0,33 L
Alcohol-%: 6,5
Shipping Weight: 0,66 kg 
Ingredients: Water, barley malt, wheat flour, carbon dioxide, hops, grapefruit and yeast.
Nutritional pr. 100 ml
Energy 255 kj / 61 kcal
Fat 0 g

- there of saturated fat

0 g


- there of sugars

5,4 g

0,1 g

Fibers 0 g
Protein 0,7 g
Salt 0 g