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Salling Garlic Powder

US $2.73 US $2.18

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Description: Discover the culinary gem that is Salling's Garlic Powder, a versatile spice crafted from dried and crushed garlic. This exquisite powder serves as a convenient substitute for fresh garlic, infusing your dishes with the authentic essence of garlic while saving you the time and effort of peeling and mincing cloves.

Unleash the flavorful potential of garlic powder in your cooking, mirroring the usage of fresh garlic. Elevate your culinary repertoire by incorporating it into a mouthwatering guacamole, prepared with creamy avocado and zesty lemon. Pair this delectable creation with traditional Mexican cuisine for a harmonious feast that tantalizes the taste buds.

Experience the convenience and robust flavor of Salling's Garlic Powder, transforming your dishes into culinary masterpieces bursting with the rich essence of garlic. Let your creativity flourish in the kitchen as you unlock the secret to achieving authentic flavors with ease.

Brand: Salling
Type: Spice
Info: 0,075 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,15 kg
Ingredients: Garlic powder. May contain traces of celery and mustard.