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Pukka Licorice Cinnamon Organic

US $10.00 US $8.00

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Description: Unwind with Pukka's Organic Licorice & Cinnamon tea, a delectable blend that indulges your taste buds with a rich and sweet experience. Enjoy the harmonious combination of licorice root, cocoa beans, cinnamon, and cardamom seeds, creating a perfectly balanced flavor. This caffeine-free tea is a soothing choice to savor either on its own or with a dash of milk for a rounded taste. Let the delightful taste of Pukka's tea whisk you away into relaxation.

Type: Tea
Info: 0,03 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,15 kg
Ingredients: Licorice root (25%), cocoa beans (20%), roasted chicory root, cardamom, cinnamon bark (15%), fennel seeds.