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Salling ØKO Organic Cumin

US $3.56 US $2.85

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Description: Indulge in the captivating allure of cumin, a spice celebrated for its spicy, aromatic, and subtly bitter flavor that effortlessly elevates an array of culinary creations. Unleash the enchanting essence of cumin in hearty stews, soul-warming soups, and vibrant Indian-inspired dishes. Experience the pinnacle of taste with Salling ÖKO's organic ground cumin, a premium ingredient that adds a remarkable depth of flavor to create irresistibly crispy and flavorful falafels. Serve these delectable delights alongside a creamy avocado dip, or tuck them into pita bread with your preferred dressing and a medley of fresh vegetables. Immerse yourself in the harmonious symphony of flavors crafted by Salling ÖKO's cumin, and let your taste buds embark on a culinary journey like never before.

Brand: Salling ØKO
Type: Spice
Info: 0,05 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,2 kg
Ingredients: Cumin