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Salling Oregano

US $2.68 US $2.14

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Description: Discover the enticing allure of Salling's Oregano, a spice renowned for its spicy taste and powerful aroma that adds a delightful flavor boost to a wide range of dishes. Elevate your culinary creations with the exquisite essence of oregano from Salling.

Embrace the versatility of oregano as you incorporate it into pasta and vegetable dishes, sauces, or enrich a meat sauce with its delicate zest. Experience the transformative power of oregano as you sprinkle it over a crispy pizza adorned with parma ham, mozzarella, and cherry tomatoes—or any toppings that suit your palate.

Brand: Salling
Type: Spice
Info: 0,015 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,15 kg
Ingredients: Oregano