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Ude og Hjemme

US $9.91 US $7.93

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Description: Ude og Hjemme is the modern family magazine. The readers' age distribution shows that Ude og Hjemme are children's families and thus the young women's favorite weekly magazine. Ude og Hjemme readers are attractive large consumers of everything from fashion clothing to the week's offerings. At home and abroad, they bring articles about big and small events in other young families that provide material for reflection and many good letter boxes about children's welfare, cohabitation problems and health. Recipes for good, easy and healthy eating, as well as tips and ideas, each inspire and facilitate readers' busy lives. Ude og Hjemme readers appreciate the family's traditional values, but combine them with the life of the modern young family.

Always the latest version available.

Type: Magazine
Language: Danish
Shipping Weight: 0,5 kg