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Valsemøllen Organic Chia Seeds

US $6.30 US $5.04

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Description: Valsemøllen organic chia seeds are good for baking. Chia seeds are taste-neutral, but have a high content of omega 3 fatty acids, protein and dietary fiber. Chia seeds are therefore obvious to use in various breads and for breakfast - for example on top of yoghurt. Chia seeds bind a lot of liquid. Try mixing chia seeds with almond milk and vanilla in the fridge, and enjoy a delicious chia pudding the next morning.

Brand: Valsemøllen
Type: Baking
Info: 0,15 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,25 kg 
Ingredients: Organic chia seeds
Nutritional pr. 100 gr
Energy 1927 kj / 460 kcal
Fat 32 g

- there of saturated fat

3,7 g


- there of sugars

6,6 g

1 g

Fibers 26 g
Protein 24 g
Salt 0,01 g