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Merrild No. 64 Espresso Coffee Capsules

US $5.38 US $4.30

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Description: Indulge in the rich and bold flavors of Merrild's Signature Blend No. 64 Espresso coffee capsules. Crafted from a dark roasted blend, these capsules pack a punch with a strength of 9, perfect for those who crave a robust coffee experience. Compatible with Nespresso Original machines, Merrild's Signature Blend No. 64 Espresso delivers a slow roasted espresso with high intensity, boasting notes of caramelized sweetness from dried fruit and a delightful aftertaste of chocolate. Kickstart your day with the invigorating aroma and exceptional taste of Signature Blend No. 64 Espresso from Merrild, and awaken your senses for a fresh and energetic start to the morning.

Type: Coffee Capsules
Info: 10 Capsules
Shipping Weight: 0,25 kg