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Salling Organic Branflakes

US $6.30 US $5.04

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Description: Salling Organic Branflakes are crispy flakes that are perfect to put on the breakfast table so that the whole family can enjoy them. Enjoy Branflakes with your favorite milk or as a crunchy topping on yoghurt, skyr or ymer.

Brand: Salling
Type: Cereal, Organic
Info: 0,375 kg
EAN: 5712873997220
Shipping Weight: 0,4 kg 
Ingredients: 75% GRAHAM FLOUR *, 15% WHEAT BRANCH *, cane sugar *, glucose syrup *, BUILDING MALT EXTRACT *, sea salt. * = Organic. May contain traces of rye, oats and spelled (wheat).
Nutritional pr. 100 gr:
Energy 1574 kj / 376 kcal
Fat 2,6 g

- there of saturated fat

0,4 g


- there of sugars

66,4 g

9,7 g

Fibers 16,7 g
Protein 12,7 g
Salt 0,96 g