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Salling Kraftsky

US $2.70 US $2.16

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Description: Kraftsky from Salling is a tasty sky. The sky is perfect as a topping on smørrebrød. Try it on top of a leverpostej or rullepølse with fresh salad, and top it with some onion and chives.

Sky is a danish classic for open faced sandwiches and (from French jus, pronounced [sjy], is a culinary term for meat juice, but also for a product, cold meat sauce, which mainly consists of meat juice and starch (typically gelatin or husblas).

Note that there may be restrictions for certain countries that make it impossible to introduce pork. We refer to the customer's own responsibility to investigate whether it can be imported before ordering. If any questions contact us by using our contact form here.

Brand: Salling
Type: Meat
Info: 0,2 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,3 kg
Ingredients: Water, 2.5% gelatine from pig, salt, flavor enhancer (E 621), color (E 150c), yeast extract, 0.1% meat extract (veal and beef broth), pureed vegetables (onion, carrot, cauliflower), spices (pepper, chili), sugar, acidity regulator (E 330), preservative (E 202).
Nutritional pr. 100 gr
Energy 79 kj / 19 kcal
Fat 0,5 g

- there of saturated fat

0,1 g


- there of sugars

0,5 g

0,5 g

Fibers 0 g
Protein 4,2 g
Salt 2,8 g