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Salling Basil

US $2.68 US $2.14

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Description: Discover the enchanting flavor of Salling's Basil. With its aromatic profile, this versatile herb is a must-have in every kitchen cupboard, ensuring you have the power to elevate a wide range of dishes. Infuse your culinary creations with the essence of basil from Salling, enhancing the taste of fish, chicken, vegetables, and light pasta dishes. Unleash the full potential of basil in Italian cuisine, where it shines as a key ingredient in robust tomato sauces, delivering an irresistible flavor boost. Let the tantalizing taste of Salling's Basil transport you to the sun-kissed fields of Italy, where each dish comes alive with vibrant flavors and culinary delight. Elevate your cooking experience with Salling's Basil and unlock a world of aromatic possibilities. 

Brand: Salling
Type: Spice
Info: 0,025 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,15 kg
Ingredients: Basil