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Salling Rosemary

US $2.68 US $2.14

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Description: Salling's Rosemary: Experience the wonders of its delightful and aromatic taste, infusing a delicious boost into a variety of dishes. Elevate your culinary creations with Salling's rosemary, perfect for adding a touch of Italy to airy bread or as an essential component of a spice mix for hand-cut potatoes. Enhance the flavors of meat and chicken dishes by incorporating rosemary, or sprinkle it atop a crispy pizza for a burst of aromatic goodness. Unleash the culinary potential of Salling's Rosemary and let its exquisite essence transport your taste buds to new heights. Explore the versatility of rosemary and reimagine your favorite recipes with this flavorful herb at the heart of your cooking endeavors. 

Brand: Salling
Type: Spice
Info: 0,04 kg
Shipping Weight: 0,15 kg
Ingredients: Rosemary. May contain trace of celery and mustard