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Tørsleffs Organic Vanilla Sugar

US $8.11 US $6.49

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Description: Tørsleffs organic vanilla sukker is a mixture of vanilla and icing sugar. The vanilla sugar has a sweet and aromatic taste, which goes well in both cakes and desserts. 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar is suitable for about 1 kg of flour, and for fruit porridge or jams, the vanilla sugar should be added after boiling. Use Organic Vanilla Sugar from Tørsleffs in your cake bases or red porridge, so it gets an extra nice taste.

Brand: Tørsleffs
Type: Sugar
Info: 0,085 kg
EAN: 5707381018666
Shipping Weight: 0,15 kg
Ingredients: Icing sugar (93%), vanilla powder (6%), natural vanilla aroma (1%). * - Organic